Litchfield Construction Debris Landfill

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Vulcan Materials Company is a supplier and distributor of construction materials. It offers construction aggregates, including gravel, sand and crushed stone, for use in building bridges, parking lots, roads, airport runways, houses, apartments, schools, commercial buildings and more.

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Acceptable Materials: Construction Debris, Demolition Debris, Rubbish, Uncontaminated soils, asphalt, concrete, rock, brick concrete block, Inert materials as defined by the Arizona Revised Statutes.

Construction Debris - solid waste derived from the construction, repair or remodeling of buildings or other structures.

Demolition Debris - solid waste derived from the demolition of buildings or other structures.

Rubbish - nonputrescible solid waste, excluding ashes, consisting of both combustible and noncombustible wastes, such as paper, cardboard, waste metal, tin cans, yard clippings, wood, glass, bedding, crockery and similar materials.

Inert Materials - means material that satisfies all of the following conditions: Is not flammable, will not decompose, will not leach substances in concentrations that exceed applicable aquifer water quality standards prescribed by section 49-201, paragraph 20 when subjected to a water leach test that is designed to approximate natural infiltrating waters